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Kjeld Kjeld is offline now
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Player #297
Joined WarGear 10th Nov 2009
Last Visit 4th Jun 2024 21:51
Country United States
Championship Points 189 (#15)
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Average turn time 6 hours 24m
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  • Marine (Play 1000 Public Games)
  • Competent (Win 500 Public Games)
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  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
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  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
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Pages:   1234   (4 in total)
25th Jul 2011 19:03
Message from BTdubs
Yo, I trust you're watching the history on the FFA test--elves are somewhat disadvantaged, it's true, but at least a part of why I stomped so hard on them is BECAUSE he was putting everything there, then using it wrong. He reinforced the front door, I went around the back way and pounded out the front door later. I think I still win if he plays perfectly, but the mismatched strategy is what makes it look so bad, and then why I was able to just beef past you. Didn't want to say so in-game, cause I didn't want to be a jerk, but that's the way it is. Possible fix is to make one of Isengard's start Cardolan instead of Dunland. With gray a step closer, I don't go all-in against elves. Dunno what else that screws up, though.
#35 of 75
7th Mar 2011 22:23
Message from Reedaltman
i like the Kjeldan Warlord profile picture by the way. In regards to the map i understand they are in the description but if the numbers of reinforcements were changed for the barbarian nations based on size, it would be more beneficial for fair multiplayer play(in my opinion)
#34 of 75
19th Jan 2011 23:14
Message from BlackDog
I found a bad continent on Another Brick in the wall, so I checked them all. The following continents are incorrect: 8, 46, 69. Very fun map!
#33 of 75
14th Dec 2010 00:37
Message from Toaster
Yeah, she's good to go. Sorry, it's tough to remember that Sim-games have finished when it just disappears many hours after I put in my orders.
#32 of 75
13th Dec 2010 13:57
Message from SIEG HEIL
You broke it on the very same turn. You realize this is the type of move that will haunt onto other games right? I wouldn't even be mad if you had actually improved your position, but by leaving that neutral there you only improved your bonuses by 2. I still have good bonuses, we could have worked together to stop green. Obviously this is a game, but that's bullshit.
#31 of 75
12th Dec 2010 01:13
Message from SIEG HEIL
#30 of 75
5th Dec 2010 18:10
Message from BTdubs
Team ants, public game: http://www.wargear.net/games/join/39129
#29 of 75
19th Nov 2010 02:16
Message from Toaster
Hey man, are you planning on bringing over Amphibious Assault? I'd like to give it a try with actual artillery borders.
#28 of 75
28th Jul 2010 07:47
Message from Master Bratac
The Showcase Showdown only needs two more players! Do you want to rejoin?
#27 of 75
5th Jul 2010 11:04
Message from Vataro
#26 of 75
5th Jul 2010 11:02
Message from Vataro
I deleted it and was going to remake it once you were ready to join. I shall remake it now!
#25 of 75
4th Jul 2010 04:38
Message from Alumina
Come on join one of my lightning games!
#24 of 75
29th Jun 2010 11:38
Message from Vataro
I just started a new Team Kjeldor Tourney... join my team when you can!
#23 of 75
21st Jun 2010 08:59
Message from Vataro
And there's the trophy... good job!
#22 of 75
15th Jun 2010 01:16
Message from SIEG HEIL
Obviously from my annoyance on the map we're currently playing, I think the the bonuses need a complete reworking. I really like the map though, I think the the airports, comsat, and seaports are a cool idea. But seriously, completely disabling someone in one turn alone? Especially when all the territories on the islands all touch one or two places. If you happen to be the first person to have a turn, after you take the initial island, you could effortlessly disable two or three people from the rest of the game on your first turn. So, yea.. Please, fix that.
#21 of 75
8th Jun 2010 19:07
Message from RiskyBack
The reason it's disabled is because I was waiting for team scenarios, but I honestly didn't think about 2 vs 2 which I guess would work. I've been trying to design a decent Fog Layer for it and then update but I just haven't been able to get it to look right and now I am almost done with a new version of Risky Kong so that will take up my time for the next day or so. I'll turn it on when I update.
#20 of 75
4th Jun 2010 12:11
Message from Vataro
So I just realized that we already finished all our games in the Kjeldor (Goin on Walkabout) tourney, and it made me sad. We should definitely team up more in the future, I think we did quite well in that tourney! Here's hoping the other teams with 1 loss don't do so hot in their last games ;).
#19 of 75
26th May 2010 20:34
Message from Seige07
Any change of inviting someone else to that Return to Asheron team game you tried to start a while ago?
#18 of 75
21st May 2010 17:51
Message from Yertle
Lord of the Gears, should Rhun be worth +3 (board image) or +2 (actual bonus)? http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/174p12/BUGS_BUGS_BUGS!
#17 of 75
11th May 2010 00:18
Message from RiskyBack
Hey, thanks very much for the suggestion on the Flinx series. I am really enjoying the first one. I love how the author uses Flinx more as a way to move the story along rather than the whole storyline and I also am very happy how he uses his abilities...not reluctant but not a prick either. I also loved how the author gave background info about the world and about the faster than light travel. That was a really interesting concept and had me checking on some physics about the possibility of it (not good....yet). You basically gave me everything I was looking for at that moment. It's a spaceship story with good characters that you like but don't really trust quite yet. It also has a little archeology in it which makes me feel like I'm using my degree (not really). Gonna start the next one tomorrow I think. Thanks again!
#16 of 75
Pages:   1234   (4 in total)